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How A General Dentistry Treats A Broken Tooth

How A General Dentistry Treats A Broken Tooth

Your teeth are made of enamel, the hardest tissue in the body, but they can still break. If you suffer a broken tooth, do not panic. General dentistry has a variety of options available to fix it.You should visit your general dentistry office as soon as possible following a chipped, fractured, or broken tooth in…

General Dentistry: When To Treat A Fractured Tooth

General Dentistry: When To Treat A Fractured Tooth

A tooth fracture can occur from many causes, such as accidents, grinding teeth, eating hard foods, and aging. Fractured teeth do not heal themselves, so visiting your general dentistry professional in the event of a cracked, broken, or fractured tooth is always advisable.Cracks in your teeth can manifest in different ways. Some are painful and…